Time Traveling to the Klondike Gold Rush
Tin Cup directs time traveling 5th graders from Haines, Alaska at the historic Moore House in Skagway, Alaska.
Make Klondike Gold Rush History Come Alive in your Classroom!
Friends of the Klondike Corridor with the support of the National Park Foundation and in coordination with the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Parks in Seattle and Skagway presents a free outreach experience for your 4th, 5th or 6th grade students.
As part of the Open OutDoors for Kids program, living History performer, historian, and YouTube personality Scott Green will visit your school as Klondike Gold Rush time traveler Tin Cup Kelly. The one to two hour interactive indoor or outdoor program will transport your students to the past! They’ll play My Time/Your Time games, learn improv, and perform a short roleplay as characters from the Klondike Gold Rush era. Props, costuming, and student performances make this a unique multifaceted hands-on learning experience! (Full school year programs with field trips are also available.) The program aligns with numerous State of Alaska, Washington State and Yukon Territory Learning Standards.
If you are a teacher in Seattle, Alaska or the Yukon, please contact Friends of the Klondike Corridor byway of programs@klondikecorridor.org to learn more about bringing this program to your school.
Learn more: https://www.nationalparks.org/explore/programs/open-outdoors-for-kids
This program is made possible by an Open OutDoors for Kids grant from the National Park Foundation.
Skagway, Alaska
Dawson City, Yukon
Seattle, Washington